Old pictures from Bucegi (2002-2008)

by Teodor Costăchioiu

I started to organize my old photo folders and came across these photos taken on October 20, 2002. Back then, I was using a Canon D30 with a three-megapixel sensor.

Cottage Floare de Colț, at Gina and Ginel
The Sphinx
Sunset on the Bucegi plateau

Another set of old pictures from Bucegi: the Caraiman Chalet in 2003. Also taken with Canon D30, a three-megapixel DSLR camera.

Caraiman Chalet (2003)
Caraiman Chalet (2003)
On the Bucegi plateau (2003)

Bucegi, Babele – July 2004

Another series of old photos from the Bucegi. In 2004 I gave up the Canon D30 and upgraded to the D60, a 6.3 megapixel camera.

Towards Baba Mare
On the Babele – Caraiman trail
Caraiman Chalet (2004)
Just a bit of snow

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